Cerebral Palsy Eating Equipment

Feeding oneself is a basic necessity to show independence and freedom from caregivers. However, some people with Cerebral palsy are unable to as the result of damage, injury or malformation to certain areas of the brain.

Cerebral palsy affects muscle control and physical movements. This can hinder the ability to walk, talk and eat. With no known cure for the disease, physical and speech therapists work with Cerebral palsy patients on exercises that develop muscle coordination so they can perform everyday physical activities such as feeding themselves and grabbing and lifting up objects. With the assistance of eating equipment, people with Cerebral palsy can be independently eating.

Utensil Cuffs

Cerebral palsy involves the lack the fine motor control necessary for holding a spoon or fork, making it difficult to self-feed. A utensil cuff wraps around the hand, allowing the person to focus on scooping up food without holding the utensil. Elastic utensil cuffs fit comfortably around the hand and have a pocket that holds utensils. These helpful tools allow people with Cerebral palsy to build control while learning to feed themselves.

Hand Clips

Similar to the cuff, a utensil hand clips slide in place around the hand, keeping utensils in the grasp of people with Cerebral palsy. The hand clips feature a spring action that closes on the hand without pinching or fitting too tight. Caregivers can easily attach small utensils to the clip, allowing people with Cerebral palsy to retrieve foods and feed themselves.

Non Slip Mats

As people with Cerebral palsy practice feeding oneself, they often knock plates, bowls and cups around due to underdeveloped muscle control. Non slip mats hold dishes firmly in place, facilitating the eating process. These non slip mats easily adhere to table tops and high chair trays. They also roll up, making it easy to use Cerebral palsy eating equipment in public places.

Feeding Bibs

Another useful tool in preventing messy eating, feeding bibs allow people with Cerebral palsy to feed themselves without worrying about soiling their clothing. Feeding bibs catch dropped spoonfuls of messy foods, such as soup, yogurt, applesauce and cereal. Some clothing protectors are resistant to stains and water that make it easier to clean and wipe the food off. This lets people with Cerebral palsy practice eating these foods by controlling utensils and bringing food to their mouths.